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A Message from Kristin to You...: Podcast #3

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

You are in the right place if you are someone who is conscious of the fact that you have hit a wall.

You are in the right place if you are feeling burned out.

You are in the right place if the words you hear coming out of your mouth and the actions that you see playing out in your life do not even feel familiar to your soul.

You are in the right place if you are aware enough to actively witness these words and actions that don’t feel or sound like your heart.

You are in the right place if what you're witnessing is not “you”.

It is not your heart.

This is not your spirit or your soul.

This is not who you are created to be.

If your life is not reflecting your heart speaking or thriving, welcome, friend.

You're in the right place if you are feeling shame, bitterness, resentment or anger.

If you are tired of trying to be perfect, this is a safe haven.

If you have had enough of superficiality, join the “club”.

If you feel as though you're suffocating beneath layers and layers of “shoulds “ and the expectations of others, you are in the right place.

If you feel as though you can’t handle any more of that critical voice in your head, that bully who can be meaner and more cutting than anyone else, you are safe here.

You're in a safe place, if you are uncomfortable enough that you are ready to shake off some of this outer layer

You're in a safe place, if you are ready to start sloughing off this outer shell that is not you and are ready to start cracking it open just a little bit.

You are on an aligned path here if you are ready to metaphorically grab your shovel and start digging within for the treasure, the hidden gems which make up your soul.

You are on an aligned path here if you are ready to remember or meet for the first time, your authentic self.

If you are heavy hearted and ready to lighten not only your heart, but in doing so, your overall load, welcome.

Welcome to those who are ready to leave behind the drudgery, throw off the expectations and step, actually skip and dance, into the light of who you are.

You will find here, a sacred space to explore, discover and celebrate your soul, your authentic self, your Truths, gifts, intuition and power.

Here, you are on the path “home” to your soul-self.

Welcome, friend.

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