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Spring is Coming!

Kristin Culpepper

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

From the beginning of time, people have celebrated the arrival of Spring in numerous ways. There have been traditions surrounding eggs, as they represent hope and new life. Many of these we’re familiar with or carry on today in our own homes.

What might have gone to sleep or been buried with the colder months, is now awakening or even being resurrected. With the March wind and warmth of the sun comes the blooming of carpets of the wood anemone or “Wind Flower”. On one of my forest hikes this week, I saw some of these as well as crocus, snow drops and others and have included a few photos.

Are you seeing signs of nests being built? Any new sounds as nature awakens? I heard some baby squirrels in their nest yesterday and have included a short video of their little sounds and where they are nesting. You never know what you’ll find when you’re keeping your eyes, ears and mind open! This can be such an exciting season to go on outdoor adventures with your little ones because there is almost always a surprise or something new waiting for you somewhere.

Now is a fantastic time to designate a place in your home for a nature table or corner. This is an area where your child can bring in and display some of their favorite treasures they are finding on their Weekly Wonder excursions and play time outside. You can put as much or as little time and effort into this as you’d like. The idea is just to create a place to celebrate these valuable gifts of nature your child is excited to share and display. This is a gesture your child will not forget. It is you, an adult, embracing the wonder of the wild your child finds so intriguing, energizing, important and exciting!

We still have a nature table, and though, it has evolved through the years, it’s a reminder of the special and sacred place nature and her gifts have in our lives, hearts and home. It provides a lovely grounding in our homes that can sometimes become overly full with busyness and noise. You’ll also find it is a great conversation piece, with subjects for “show-and-tell” when friends, neighbors or grandparents come for a visit.

Learning a simple seasonal song can also be fun for the little ones. You can sing this together impromptu to celebrate and welcome the coming of a new season. “Spring is Coming” is a sweet tune. My husband and I recorded us singing and playing a short clip of this and it's attached here so you can sing it with your little ones.

"Spring is coming, spring is coming

birdies build your nest.

weave together straw and feather

doing each your best.

Spring is coming, spring is coming

flowers are waking, too.

daisies, lilies, and daffodils

now are coming through.

Spring is coming, spring is coming

all around is fair.

shimmer, glimmer on the meadow,

joy is everywhere."

This week as you stand in awe and wonder of all that is waking up around you in nature, gather a few items to place in a special spot and sing a song to welcome in the spring!


Oh, and don’t forget to build your traps to catch a glimpse of the wee folk who might be about on Saint Patrick’s Day (3/17) this week! There are a number of relevant books listed for you on my March booklist.

Baby squirrel sounds coming from this wooden beam...

The turkeys are out for a stroll on this lovely almost spring day...

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